
Intravenous sedation is a form of conscious sedation. You therefore do not lose consciousness. It involves the controlled administration of a sedative medication called midazolam. This sedative brings about a general state of relaxation and is a very safe, predictable and effective way of reducing anxiety during oral surgery procedures. Recovery is usually quite short and patients rarely have feelings of nausea.

The sedative is given through a cannula, which is put into a vein usually in the back of your hand. You are monitored throughout by medical equipment, which records your pulse, blood oxygen levels and blood pressure. Only once you are properly sedated and relaxed will the operation begin.

We will always give local anaesthetic to numb the area of surgery, as the sedation itself does not cause any numbness. After the operation a short recovery period is needed to allow the immediate effects of the sedation to wear of. Once you have sufficiently recovered you are allowed home. An escort will need to transport you home and care for you, for the following 24 hours. The effects of the sedative will be present for 24 hours.

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